Update 1/27/2022
The Edit and Timber hosting have been discontinued. More information available on our about page.
This is the secret, unlinked Timber hosting beta signup form. If you go to the main website, the only way to get access to hosting is to pay. Welcome! People that use this signup form get free podcast hosting with Timber for a year if you fit the requirements below.
Here’s a YouTube video of what the hosting looks like generously created and given to us by Tanner Campbell.
Here’s who should join the beta:
- Anyone with a dormant show. Seriously! We just need the traffic.
- Experienced podcasters that take the craft seriously
- People who will report any issues and feedback to us
- Podcasters that are ready to grow with us
Here’s who we’re not ready to serve:
- Brand new podcasters
- Shows with over 100 episodes (there’s just a bit of pagination and search work that we still need to do)
- Shows that need to publish straight from their host to YouTube
- Shows that need dynamic ad insertion (we’ll get there)
- Shows that use their host’s website creator. We don’t believe podcasts hosting platforms should be making your website.
Hopefully you fit within those parameters because we’d love your help.
Please feel free to send your questions via email to jon@timber.fm