Pro Podcast Editor Checklist

We're giving away the actual guides our pro editors use to give feedback

Timber has a private podcast community called The Edit. In it, industry professionals write feedback for our members' episodes. They listen and take notes with a checklist of things to listen for and take notes as they go. Then they send written feedback in Google Docs using the checklists as a template.

The attached pdf contains the actual checklists they use! You can read them yourself to give you ideas of what to listen for to improve your own show. If you like how they help you consider all the key elements that make a great show, then you can take the next step and let an expert review your show for you.

The pdf has instructions for how to use them, so I won't make you read even more here. But if you don't mind, I would like to ask you for your feedback. We think these are great, but we're sure they could be even better with your help.

Pro Podcast Editor Checklist

Timber for Podcasters requires free signup.

These are the best of the best stories on Timber. They’re free, but we’d like to be able to keep in touch in exchange for reading them. We won’t spam you or sell your email. We’re a business, and we pay writers well. Our connection with you is what makes this worth it. Thanks!

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